Community Outreach Services
The Hospice Community Outreach Service offers patients, and their families care in our Hospice Hubs in Dungannon and Newry and in their home. The team is made up of Hospice Community Service Manager, Hospice Patient and Family Support Manager, Chaplains, Complementary Therapists, Hospice Community Nurses, Hospice Community Social Workers, Hospice Counsellor, and Physiotherapists. These services include:
- Hospice Community Outreach Services
- Bereavement Service
- Counselling.
How to access these services
Any referral must have completed a Hospice Community Outreach Service referral form accessed below.
or get in touch with our Patient & Family Support Team Manager or Community Services Manager.
Call 028 3026 7711 or email
Community Outreach Services include
- Nursing Support
Our nurses can advise on pain, medication, and symptom management techniques as well as helpful coping strategies.
- Physiotherapy
Our physiotherapists can recommend treatments to manage fatigue, breathlessness and improve strength and general fitness.
- Social Work Support
Our social workers can offer you a confidential place to talk, supporting you as you adapt to life either living with illness or caring for a loved one. We can assist you accessing helpful services including financial support.
- Spiritual Support
Our chaplains offer a confidential and safe space to listen to any questions and concerns you may have about family, loss and faith. Our spiritual support is available to everyone.
- Complementary Therapy
Our complementary therapists offer services such as reflexology or massage. These reduce stress, relieve anxiety, and increase your general sense of health and wellbeing. There are six sessions available to you.
- Counselling
Living with illness or caring for a loved one brings mental, physical, and emotional pressure. Our counsellor offers the opportunity to talk, be heard and help to deal with difficult emotions.
Community Outreach Services Programmes
The Community Outreach Services offer a range of programmes of support, tailored to individual needs
- Living Well, Thinking Well - a six-week group programme for patients Learn more >>
- Caring Well, Thinking Well - a three-week group programme for carers Learn more >>
- Creative workshops, such as art therapy or journalling
- Memory making workshop
- Aromatherapy and holistic massage.
Hospice Bereavement Services
Bereavement affects everyone differently. It is important to give yourself time to grieve. Adjusting to living without your loved one can be very difficult. You may find it helpful to talk to an experienced member of our team about how their death is affecting you, and how you are coping.
We have a number of services available to support you. These can take place in your own home or in our Hospice Hubs in Newry and Dungannon.
Together we can make a plan that will best support you to include:
- Complementary Therapy
Complementary therapies such as reflexology or massage reduce stress, relieve anxiety and increase your general sense of health and wellbeing. There are six sessions available to you.
- Drop-In Café
Bereavement Drop-In Cafe is a space to chat to our team and others who have been bereaved.
Every Wednesday, 10.30am - 12.00pm in our Newry and Dungannon Hubs.
- Walking Group
A gentle walk for you to connect with others. Exercise, fresh air, and coffee shops are all good for both your physical and mental health. We would love you to join us on the walks and for the refreshments in a coffee shop afterwards.
For locations and time of the Bereavement Walking Group walks please go to the Bereavement Services section of the website and click on Walking Group and you can then download the locations and times of the walks. To book your place on the Bereavement Walking Group walks please contact Matthew, Siobhan or Jim on 028 3026 7711.
- Counselling
Our bereavement counsellors are trained to help you process the feelings you have as you go through the stages of grief and adapt to a different way of life. Our team can arrange this if required.
- Bereavement Groups
Throughout the year we offer a varied programme of group work, such as art therapy, music therapy and horticulture.
- Family Night
A monthly night for families with children and young people under 18 to meet for food, games and support.
Who can access Hospice Community Outreach Services
- Any person with a palliative diagnosis or condition
- A family or carer of someone with a palliative diagnosis or condition
- A family member or a carer who have been bereaved due to a palliative illness.
- Available to anyone living within the Southern Trust area.