Fundraising Officer - James McCaffery
Name: James McCaffrey
What is your role in the company, how long you have worked here and what does a typical day entail?
I am a Fundraising Officer and have been here 6 years. My typical day varies dramatically. It usually entails managing current fundraising event/campaigns, liaising with supporters, and creating new ideas to generate support for Southern Area Hospice.
Big Campaign focusing on now?
I am currently working on the ‘Win a Clio’ Car Competition, organising the ‘Trek the Alps 2022’ fundraiser event, I am just back from the London marathon and planning for John Dalzell’s 30th Sit-Out in December.
What was your route into the company / your career path (Did you go on to university or further education and what did you study?)
I studied Marketing in UUJ 2010-2014 and completed a Post-Grad Cert in Professional Practice with a local environmental firm. A friend notified me about this fundraising post, so I applied!
What were your favourite subjects at school?
History, Theatre Studies and English.
Did you always have this career in mind?
No, but my marketing skills helped me get this role, and I love it.
What do you enjoy about it? What is your favourite part of your job?
I enjoy the diversity of the role; no two days are the same. I enjoy the challenges we face and mostly I enjoy the people I meet. Throughout my time here, I have met some of the kindest and most self-less people and this was particularly apparent throughout Covid-19. To play a small part in helping provide the much-appreciated care to peoples loved ones, is at times very rewarding.
What are the main skills required for it?
For me, inter-personal skills, attention to details, compassion, empathy and thoughtfulness.
What would your advice be to anyone thinking of it as a career?
It’s tough, but very rewarding
If you could do any job in the world, what would it be?
A movie star.
How do you relax when you're not working?
I love the Mournes and hike regularly. I also like to go to the gym, read occasionally and go for coffee and breakfast! I take trips when I can, but Covid has stalled that!