Walking Groups
The idea behind these walks is that for some people, it can be easier to talk about how they are feeling as opposed to sitting down face to face. The walks help people to deal with loneliness because when you are grieving, it can be hard to get out to meet others in a safe environment. You will be surrounded by people who understand what you are going through as well as getting some exercise which is good for both mental and physical health.
The walking group offers an opportunity to come together in a social setting, walk, chat and have a cup of tea with others who are grieving and members of our Social work & Chaplaincy teams.
Please let us know if you would like to join by phoning or texting 07980757473.
Feel free to contact our Bereavement Walking Group walk leaders Matthew, Jim or Siobhan on (028) 3026 7711.
For more details on our bereavement support please visit www.southernareahospiceservices.org/bereavement-services
You can view locations and dates for our Bereavement Walking Group by clicking on the link below.
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